Saturday, June 16, 2012


OMG!  You know the feeling of shopping for the right pair of jeans?
You have to get the right color, size, and style you like.  It's
complete torture!  Shopping for the trip was like this, but a hundred
times worse because we had to get the shoes, backpacks, and stuff for
the trail.  What made it worse was that my backpack got stolen when I
was taking my sister to French camp, so I had to do the whole thing twice!
But just like the jeans, it is rewarding once it's all over and you
get a good fit.  Hopefully our backpacks will be as comfy as our
favorite jeans.

Posted by Cameron Moore

1 comment:

  1. Looking good in your new backpacks girls!!! What an adventure...your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be amazed at your accomplishment!!! So glad you are blogging!
